Hello, Memory Maker.

My name is Caley Katseanes, an Idaho native and Boise State University alma mater who majored in Public Relations. Naturally I gravitated to the branding, marketing, and artistic design of this field. Which morphed into branding photography! And here we are today, living our best lives, doing what makes us tick!

On a more personal note, I am a mother to 4 little nuggets and wife to my best friend. We live on a hobby farm that we kindly refer to as "The Katseanes Youth Ranch" complete with 3 miniature goats, 2 sheep, 2 barn cats, loads of chickens, and of course lots, and lots, and LOTS of laundry!

I've always loved capturing priceless shots. To me, photos are the moments in time we're lucky enough to keep.

(photo cred: Snapshots by Jolene)

Photo Cred: Snap Shots by Jolene

"Mom, you're a good adult."

—our second child 5 - years old